
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I got my plane ticket x___x
I can't believe it...
I'm seriously going to Tokyo x___x
I can't believe it!!

5 Kommentare:

  1. oh♥
    Ich freu mich sehr für dich :3

  2. Wah sick! Das freut mich für dich~
    Wir kennen uns nicht aber ich hab auch überlegt zu Tokyo Dome zu gehen~ mal sehen vllt. sieht man sich :3

  3. omg, have a nice trip!
    i just went home from Tokyo few days ago,
    it's the best place on earth!: )

  4. Haaaaaaaaaa I see that you make a suicidale trip too.
    Hope you'll have your tickets ! (me and my friend wait answer from starr 'cause my friend don't have a japanese address with her heresy subscription :/)
